Lacrima lui Ovidiu Alb (Romania)
This wine “Lacrima lui Ovidiu” (Ovidius’s Tears) 5 years white is a special wine, liqueur, with an unctuous, oily character, of the wine is very rich in sugars but well counterbalanced by acids, produced according to a traditional recipe inspired by the technology of the famous Porto wines, Malaga, Madeira or Xeres. Recommended for dessert. It is served at a temperature of 4-6 degrees C.
The golden yellow highlights a unique blend of very special wines in this Wine “Lacrima lui Ovidiu” 5 years white. The depth of the colour and the rich aroma comes from the wine kept over 5 years in small oak barrels. To these is added the fresh flavour of the fruits, the sweetness and the balanced activity of the new blending wines.
- Origin: From Romania
- Type: White liqueur wine
- Variety: White Blend
- Food Category: Cheese dishes or sweet fruit salads
- Alcohol ABV: 15.0%
- Volume: 0.75L
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